X-treme 4T SG Motorcycle Oils
AMALIE X-treme 4T SG MC Motorcycle Oils * are designed to provide wear protection, sludge and varnish protection, and thermal stability for superior performance in fourcycle motorcycle applications. Blended with high-quality base stocks and performance chemistry, the AMALIE 4T oils are formulated for superior operation in high-reving, high-temperature motorcycle engines and is blended to give superior performance in those engines and transmissions that have a common sump and require specialized frictional characteristics for clutches and wet brakes. AMALIE X-treme 4T is available in SAE 10W40 which meets or exceeds API SG and JASO MA, and the AMALIE 4-T X-treme Max MC 15W40 & 20W50 meets or exceeds API SN and Jaso MA.
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